I see a little hope on the horizon! The red maples are beginning to bloom! This time of year can be hard for the bees. There has not been a lot of food sources available over winter and on days above 50 degrees, the bees take cleansing flights (they are very hygienic) and also go out in search of food. They are expending that energy but coming back empty handed. The queen also begins laying eggs again shortly after the winter solstice and as the new bees are born, they are being fed the honey (and pollen) stored in the top corners of the frame they are born on. As these stores, get depleted, it is easy for a hive to starve to death this time of year. It's important as a beekeeper not to take too much honey off the hive. The bees after all are making it for themselves. They just generously make enough to share. Guess they also practice the Honorable Harvest. 😊
The red maples are beginning to come out here in southeastern North Carolina, and this is a sign that spring is here in the honeybee world. I am always watching and waiting, as I know this is when the bees will be able to bring in fresh pollen and restock nectar to be made into honey. Hopefully, we won't get anymore freezing weather, as the colonies will begin boosting brood production like crazy! Gotta feed the hungry baby bees!